Low Hummer: Creating Dreamscapes On New Single ‘Never Enough’

Low Hummer- 'Never Enough' Artwork by Joseph Cox Hull's Low Hummer break away from the regular guitar-based sound found on their previous string of singles, opting for a warmer and more romanticised approach on new single 'Never Enough' . Bursting at the seams with influence from the likes of The Cure and The Psychedelic Furs, 'Never Enough' explores the softer side of their musical capabilities, subtly blurring the lines between post-punk and dream-pop. Incorporating a prevalent synth line that carries the song smoothly through to it's end, sat atop a tight and infectious drumming pattern, Low Hummer are able to create a dreamscape of sorts within the first few seconds of their latest effort. While it is obvious that Low Hummer wear their Joy Division/New Order, Cure and all round eighties new-wave influences on their sleeves, it perfectly demonstrates the new territory that Low Hummer find themselves treading; a refreshing dip into the addictive, me...