The Spy From Cairo: Blending Textures from the Middle-East to Montago Bay through his signature style ‘Aradub’

Zeb Visini- better known as The Spy From Cairo- is not one to be constrained to the ideas of genre in its traditional sense. Rather, Visini's music transcends classification, tying in a plethora of influence from one end of the globe to the other. Upon his first full-length release under the pseudonym The Spy From Cairo, 'Perfectly Famous' LP, Visini channels his signature eclectic mix of Middle-Eastern music, flamenco, dub reggae and Romani, carried by an omnipresent undercurrent of dance and electronica. Heavy experimentation between the hazy mystique of Arabic-style instrumentation and the fruitful exoticism of Jamaican dub allows for a basis to be moulded on which Visini creates his art- this basis of which has rightfully become his trademark sound. This fusion of style is not completely unseen outside of The Spy From Cairo's discography; the two have inevitably crossed paths with reggae and rocksteady coming into the western mainstream only a matter of years aft...