Wax-Lyrical with The Sonic Dawn

Copenhagen three-piece The Sonic Dawn do not so much as reinvent the psychedelic sounds of the sixties, nor would it be an understatement to suggest that their four-album long discography is somewhat of a twenty-first century copy of the music of this bygone era. But to such a group as The Sonic Dawn, who believe in this bygone era as, and I quote, 'the peak of rock and roll', their ability to tap into this strange and fruitful amalgamation of folk rock, prog and psychedelic blues is a blessing. Though the conventionality of 'reinvention of genre' is striven towards by majority of bands and musicians around the world, it is a credit to The Sonic Dawn that they are able to encapsulate the sounds of a short yet sweet window of psychedelia from the years of '66 through to '71. From the slap-back delays of ' Opening Night' to the dusty percussion found on 'Summer Voyage' , right through to the Ray Manzarek-esque keys of 'Sun Drifter' , the ...