Wax Lyrical with Spielbergs

'Spielbergs is about doing whatever we want to do musically' tells Mads Baklien, vocalist and front-man of the Oslo three-piece. 'By the time we started the band and made our first songs, we had already played in bands for many years.' From debut EP 'Distant Star' to newest works 'Brother of Mine' , both Spielberg's experience as tried and tested musicians shines through- most noticeably now for their care-free attitude when conforming- or failing to conform, rather- to a specific scene or label. He continues,'We have a lot of influences, and maybe not as much musically as philosophically if that makes any sense. We are inspired by bands that do not necessarily belong to a specific scene or genre, but that make whatever kind of songs they want.' It comes as a challenge to pinpoint what it is about Spielberg's material that makes them so distinctive, but one must look no further than the hardcore and post-rock acts of their native, righ...