Spilt Milk Society Inject Brazilian Jazz into Latest EP 'Community'

Photography- @chrlbrclyhrrs The direction change of an artist’s music has long caused controversy between fans and critics alike. With the addition and exploration of newfound techniques and genre-specific styles inevitably leading to the retirement of an artist’s ‘signature’ sound, a band’s notoriety and longevity can become wrongfully tarnished somewhat, or juxtaposing that, welcomed by fans with open arms. In the case of Spilt Milk Society, their ability to shift from tried and tested guitar-based indie-rock-come-electronica to a recent fusion of acoustic folk and samba has proved successful. Latest EP Community is the result of a long journey of genre-surfing and innovation for the now Liverpool based quartet, a far cry from the sounds of their 2015 self-titled debut LP. Last year’s collection of singles, including Bon Iver and Brunch respectively, demonstrate the maturation of style and gradual lean toward the experimental characteristics of their latest body of work, injecti...