NEONE the Wonderer: Obscuro-Soul Meets Psychedelic Rap on Latest Single 'Heartwing'

Photography by Tatiana Glorilovsky (@tatianaglorilovsky) Every once in a while, a certain artist comes along who’s sound, though entwined with a multitude of influences and styles, is completely independent to them as a musician. NEONE the Wonderer fits perfectly into this category. The Wolverhampton native’s music allows for a vast array of styles to cross, combine and birth their own, which comes through in his work as a completely newly crafted sound, entirely unique to himself. For those yet to be acquainted with his expanding discography, one can expect to hear something that would only seem way too vast and ignorant to regard solely as ‘experimental hip-hop’. While 2021’s sublime ‘Nose Dive’ is a hypnotic blend of scatty drums, captivating bass lines and soul-soothing sax interludes, ‘Grass is Greener’ adopts grimy, east-coast psychedelic hip-hop qualities that would not sound out of place next to the likes of A$AP Mob or Meechy Darko. The uplifting ‘Never Die’ explores the...